Think Creatively. Collaborate with Friends. Solve Real-World Problems.
Destination ImagiNation allows two to seven students per team the opportunity to work together from September to February to create their unique solution to a Team Challenge. Students must be 4 years old – 12th grade to participate. Teams are made up of students who are at the same grade level, or one year apart.
Teams determine which challenge they will work together to solve. Teams will also practice Instant Challenges. Each team must participate in an Instant Challenge during the tournament. This is a creative quick-thinking challenge that is not revealed until the day of the tournament. Students must be ready to listen, think on their feet, and work as a team to solve the problem. The Instant Challenge, or IC, is tabulated into the final score in the tournament.
Destination Imagination
The mission of Destination ImagiNation is to encourage and foster the development of 21st-century skills, influence the development of a positive self-image, and prepare students to apply creative problem solving to life decisions.
Destination ImagiNation, or DI, is THE largest creative problem-solving competition in the world! Over 250,000 students in 56 countries and the United States participate in Destination Imagination. This popular process-based program helps young people build lifelong skills in creative and critical thinking, teamwork, time management, and problem-solving.
- Will pay the registration fee if committed early.
- The registration fee includes the team kit, team number, and one background check for the Team Manager.
- Fees for additional team manager background checks will be the responsibility of the team.
- Pay other fees spent on props, materials, pins, etc. ($7-$50 per year) depending on the challenge
- Pay for Regional Tournament t-shirt ($7-$10)
- Pay for any portion of the cost that is not covered by the district if advanced to state tournament or Global Finals
- Provide snacks and drinks as requested
- Must attend practices
- Follow campus discipline plan
- Must have passing grades in ALL subject areas on the 3rd 6 weeks report card to be able to attend the Regional tournament
- Attend the regional tournament
- Attend the state tournament (if eligible)
- Attend Global Finals (if eligible)
- Have fun!
Team Managers
- Commit to managing a team and following DI guidelines
- Set the day, time, and place for practices
- Attend training (not required)
- Register team before the deadline
- If a team decides not to participate after registration fees have been paid, then the team will be responsible for refunding the district. ($50)
- Attend the Regional Tournament
- Attend the State Tournament (if eligible)
- Attend Global Finals (if eligible)
- Responsible for making sure all documentation is completed before the tournament(s)
Tourney Info
Destination Imagination
Transforming Education One Challenge at a Time
Tap again to continue -
DI Greater Fort Worth
Regional Competition
Tap again to continue -
DI Texas
From Imagination to Innovation
Tap again to continue
Appraisers watch team presentations at Destination Imagination Tournaments and award points for challenge solutions. Any person 18 years of age or older may be an appraiser. Each appraiser must attend a short training the night before or the day of the tournament. Each team must submit an appraiser name this year. If a team does not submit a name, there will be a $50 fee.
District Representative
Sabrina Ballard helps form teams, coordinates and supports Team Managers, registers team memberships with Destination Imagination, registers teams with the local and Affiliate (state) organizations, and communicates information to teams.
Team Managers
Team Managers are adults aged 18 and up who facilitate Destination Imagination teams. Many managers are parents, teachers, or community members.How to become a Team Manager:
- Complete this form.
- Recruit 2-7 students who are at the same grade level, or one year apart.
- Teams can be made of students from different campuses. The team must decide which campus they will represent.
- Plan the day, time, and location of your weekly practice.
- Start meetings and have fun.
***Team Managers and other students or adults outside of the team may NOT offer suggestions or information on solving the challenge. This is called “interference” and points will be deducted at the tournament. *** -
Team Members
Team members are school-aged participants ranging from 4 years old through college. Teams are made up of 2-7 students. Teams must be made up of students within the same age range or a one-year difference.
Tournament Helpers
You name it. We need volunteers at all DI Tournaments.
Have questions? I can help.
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- Sabrina Ballard