Thank you for your interest in becoming a substitute teacher in the Waxahachie Independent School District. The district is always seeking qualified substitutes to assist us in carrying out our mission of "Excellence in Education."
Have questions? We can help.
Showing results for "Professor named Smith at Elementary School" |
- Carolyn Baker
- Theresa Burkhalter
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- Completed application and copies of allowable government-issued identification as determined by federal law (See lists on I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification Form).
- Waxahachie ISD has a requirement of fifteen college hours for substitute teachers. Please include your college transcript with your application. If you have special skills that should be considered in place of our requirement of fifteen college hours, please include this information with your application.
- All substitutes must be fingerprinted as per Senate Bill 9. Substitutes must have fingerprints on file in order to sub with Waxahachie ISD. Substitutes are required to pay for their own fingerprinting at an L-1 Enrollment Identity Solutions location. Rules for fingerprint-based background reviews.
Pay Structure
Position | Daily Rate | Long Term Rate, 11+ Days |
Certified Teacher | $105 | $155 |
Registered Nurse | $135 | $135 |
Bachelor Degree or Higher | $95 | $125 |
Non-Degreed or Associate Degree | $85 | $115 |
Paraprofessional | $80 | $115 |
Substitute Orientation Training Sessions for new and returning substitutes are from 9-11 am at the Administration building at 411 N. Gibson Street on the following dates:
- August 7
- 9-11 am for returning subs only
- 1:30-3:30 pm all subs
- September 4
- October 2
- November 6
- December 4
- January 8
- February 5
- March 5
- August 7
New Subs
Steps to become a WISD Substitute
- Complete the Substitute Application.
- Once you have completed the application, you will receive an email to complete the New Hire paperwork.
- The New Hire paperwork will contain a link for you to sign up for a New Hire Session. You will also receive an email from the HR department with directions on how to obtain your fingerprints. All substitute teachers must have fingerprints on file before they can begin working.
- New substitutes must have fingerprinting on file before being allowed to start work. Note: to start substituting immediately, it is strongly encouraged that you complete your fingerprints before you attend a new hire session. If you have completed the fingerprinting process for educators, you will be eligible to start working immediately after the substitute training/orientation.
- Complete Vector Solutions Training. Substitute training will happen both in-person at our orientation and online via the Vector Solutions platform.
Bring the following to the new hire session
- Valid driver's license
- Valid state-issued identification, passport, and/or social security card. The physical document is required for you to be set up in payroll.
- "Official" college transcript showing a minimum of 15 credit hours earned from an accredited college or university to be a substitute teacher OR
- Copy of high school diploma or transcript to be a paraprofessional substitute
Returning Subs
- Must have worked a minimum of 5 days in the previous school year.
- Returning subs will complete the following paperwork in Records online by August 1. Information on how to do this will be sent to the substitute’s email address on file.
- Letter of Reasonable Assurance
- Texas New Hire form
- Declination of Benefits form
- Job Description
- Complete online training on Vector Solutions and in-person training prior to your first substitute job of the year.