An application for a place on the ballot must be in writing; signed, sworn to by the candidate before a person authorized to administer an oath, and dated; timely filed with the district's filing authority (Waxahachie ISD's Superintendent Administrative Assistant); and contain specified information about the candidate:
- The candidate's name, date of birth, and occupation;
- The candidate's residence address or the address at which the candidate receives mail with a description of the location of the candidate's residence;
- The candidate's length of continuous residence in Texas and in the district as of the date the candidate swears to the application;
- In available, a public mailing address and email address at which the candidate receives correspondence relating to the candidate's campaign;
- The office sought, including any place or other distinguishing number and an indication of whether the office sought is for a full or unexpired term;
- Statements that the candidate is a U.S. citizen; has not been determined by a court to be mentally incapacitated; has not been convicted of a felony; is aware of the nepotism law; and swears an oath to support and defend the U.S. and Texas Constitutions and laws.
All measures above can be satisfied upon completion of the Waxahachie ISD candidate packet which can be picked up from the Superintendent's Administrative Assistant. Forms are also available through the Secretary of State and Ethics Commission websites. There is no filing fee.
View Eligibility Qualifications
Applications for a Place on the May 3, 2025, General Election Ballot and the Appointment of Campaign Treasurer (form CTA) may be submitted in person at 411 N. Gibson Street, Waxahachie, TX, or via email, or faxed to (972) 923-4759. Forms can be received beginning January 15, 2025, and must be received by 5:00 pm on February 14, 2025. Please be advised that an application must be notarized (or otherwise sworn to before someone authorized to administer an oath under Texas law) before filing via fax or email.
Elections by Place
Following policy BBB (Local), trustees shall be elected by place during the uniform election date in May. Board members shall be elected for three-year terms, with elections conducted annually, as follows:
- The election for places 1 and 2 will be held in 2026, 2029, 2032, and in three-year intervals thereafter.
- The election for places 3, 4, and 5 will be held in 2027, 2030, 2033, and in three-year intervals thereafter.
- The election for places 6 and 7 will be held in 2025, 2028, 2031, and in three-year intervals thereafter.
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- Nisa Redd