Office of Public Relations
Welcome to the Waxahachie ISD Office of Public Relations, where our goal is to foster a positive two-way relationship between the district and its stakeholders and to serve as an effective liaison for students, staff, parents, community members, and taxpayers. The Waxahachie ISD Office of Public Relations will inform and promote news promptly while embracing innovative technology, engaging the community, and positioning WISD as a premier school district. The Director of Public Relations serves as the district's official spokesperson and works to continually promote the district's mission of "Excellence in Education."
The Office of Public Relations serves as an information clearinghouse and is responsible for a variety of tasks including, but not limited to, the following:- External and Internal News Releases and Media Calls
- Distribution of "The Drum Beat" E-Newsletter. Sign up to receive the Drum Beat.
- Social Media Platforms
- Video and Graphics Production
- Informational Publications such as Brochures, Flyers, Postcards
- Annual Report
- Annual Quick Facts Card
- Campus Publicity Support
- District-Wide Event Planning and Event PR
- Public Information Requests
Public Relations Department
411 N. Gibson Street
Waxahachie, TX 75165
(972) 923-4631
Media Relations
The WISD Public Relations Office coordinates news coverage of the school district and is responsible for overseeing official communications between the school system and the news media. The office provides story ideas to media outlets (i.e., newspaper, television, radio) and helps arrange appropriate interviews. The office also provides assistance and training to school administrators regarding effective relations with the news media. All news conferences and public events of a district-wide nature in which news coverage is requested must be coordinated by or through the Public Relations Office.
Contact Us
- Administraiton
- Administration
Showing results for "Professor named Smith at Elementary School" |

- Becca Lockridge

- Ami Trull
Branding Assets
Materials Distribution
- Waxahachie ISD sells limited advertisements in its athletic facilities and on its athletic website. The Waxahachie ISD Athletic Department and/or athletic booster clubs are responsible for these advertising opportunities. Email the Athletic Director, Brian Rogers, for more information on athletic advertising opportunities.
- The district does not offer any additional advertising opportunities at this time.
- At a campus level, specific event sponsorship opportunities through the PTO or the campus may include advertising, such as on a t-shirt or event-specific signage. These will be handled on a campus-by-campus basis. Suppose you are interested in campus sponsorships but do not have an existing relationship with a campus. In that case, the Office of Public Relations is happy to assist you in making introductions at a campus level.
Coupons & Incentives
- Coupons or incentives must be approved by the Office of Public Relations prior to distribution to campuses. This includes branded items, such as pencils, pens, lanyards, etc
- If approved, coupons or incentives must be pre-counted and labeled by the campus and delivered to the Waxahachie ISD Administration Building. The Office of Public Relations will distribute to campuses.
- Campus principals have the right to determine how and when coupons and student incentives should be used. These do not go home in bulk in student folders.
- Student coupons or incentives must be completely free to the student and the student/parent/guardian must not be required to purchase something in order to receive their free item.
- Employee coupons or incentives are distributed at the discretion of the Office of Public Relations.
- If a business is interested in providing something to employees of a specific campus, such as a campus-wide meal or snack for employees, it should contact the campus principal to make arrangements for a date and time. No business sales or solicitation may happen as a part of this event, but representatives of the business may stay on campus to greet employees and help serve.
Employee Businesses
Employees who have businesses outside of their work with the district – or who have family members who own businesses – may not use school facilities or district time to promote those businesses. This includes delivery of products ordered, “pop-up boutiques” on district property, or the use of district email accounts for promotion.
Non-School Literature Distribution
- Non-school literature (including flyers, postcards, brochures, posters, etc.) may only be distributed by non-profit agencies. Non-profit agencies must provide a copy of their 501(c)3 tax designation.
- All non-school literature must be approved by the Office of Public Relations prior to distribution. Documents can be emailed to the Director of Public Relations. You will receive a response within five business days.
- Non-school literature MUST have the following disclaimer statement printed at the BOTTOM of the document in bold, capital letters: “THIS ORGANIZATION AND ITS ACTIVITIES ARE NOT RELATED TO OR SPONSORED BY THE WAXAHACHIE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT.”
- Non-school literature does NOT go home in student folders; it may be placed only on information tables in campus front offices. Up to fifty (50) non-school literature items per campus are allowed on the information table.
- Once approved by the Office of Public Relations, pre-counted stacks of 50 documents may be delivered to the Waxahachie ISD Administration Building for each of the fifteen campuses. The Office of Public Relations will then share these items with the campuses.
Non-School Literature Distribution, Advertising, and Business Involvement on Campuses
Waxahachie ISD greatly values its partnerships with businesses and organizations throughout the community. As a part of those relationships, there may be times a business would like to use its connections with the district for marketing purposes. Because the district strives to be fair and equitable in all of its partnerships, the following guidelines have been developed:
Non-School Posters, Banners & Yard Signs
Non-school related posters or banners may not be placed in any Waxahachie ISD facility, and non-school related yard signs or banners may not be placed on any Waxahachie ISD property.
On-Campus Business Solicitation
No business or entity is allowed on a Waxahachie ISD campus to sell and/or solicit business from employees or students and their families.
Presentations to Students, Parents & Employees
- There is much value to both students and employees in gaining expertise from partners in the community. However, any student, parent, or employee presentation made by a business must not be used to promote the business, but rather to present information.
- Any presentation to students should enhance the education the student is receiving in the classroom and should be based on the state standards appropriate for the grade level being presented to. Specific business products or services should not be mentioned. The presenter may introduce themselves by providing their credentials, including their business, but should refrain from any further mention of the specific business.
- Any presentation made to parents or other adult groups (such as Lighthouse for Learning) must be informational only and not used to solicit business.
- While businesses are not allowed to solicit on campus, there may be times that it is appropriate for a presentation on certain topics (such as continuing education, retirement plans, etc.) to be made to employees. These opportunities are very limited and must be approved first by the Office of Public Relations, and then by the campus principal.
Standards & Guidelines
Graphic Standards
In 2013, Waxahachie ISD implemented graphics standards and trademarked a number of its logos, images, and wordmarks. To maintain the integrity and image of Waxahachie ISD, graphics standards and guidelines have been established to provide for a uniform and professional appearance for information distributed in the name of the district and products and services, which, in turn, represent the district. Permission must be obtained from the Office of Public Relations, and a licensing agreement must be on file, to use official images and logos of the district.
Institutional Mark
Waxahachie ISD possesses a unique visual identity that begins first and foremost with the district's official logo. The district's logo conveys our "brand" or "image" to the community, state, and world. It is imperative that our brand be consistent, regardless of the medium, so that our stakeholders continue to view Waxahachie ISD as a school district that promotes "Excellence in Education."
Proper Use of the Trademarked District Logo
- Two-color layouts have been approved when using the approved Waxahachie ISD district logo. The logo may be utilized in green (Hex #128e36) and black.
- The second mark of the district is the single "W" in green (Hex #128e36) and black.
Please note that these logos are trademarked logos and one must contact the Office of Public Relations to not only receive permission to utilize the logos but also to receive the logos in the correct colors stated above. If approved, the Office of Public Relations will request to review the materials for which the district's logos are being placed.
- Campus, Athletic, and Spirit marks are used to visually identify a campus or athletic program. The campus or athletic logos convey the "brand" or "image" to the community, state, and world. Our brand must be consistent, regardless of the medium, so that our stakeholders continue to view Waxahachie ISD as a school district that promotes "Excellence in Education."
- Questions regarding Waxahachie ISD's graphic standards and permission to use marks must be obtained to use the following campus and athletic logos as well as wordmarks that have been trademarked by Waxahachie ISD. Email the Waxahachie ISD Office of Public Relations or call (972) 923-4631 for more information.
- Please Note: The following logos, images, and wordmarks have been trademarked by Waxahachie ISD. Use of these marks without expressed permission from the district, including the submittal of a licensing agreement, would be considered a trademark infringement.
Style Guide
Color Guidelines
When printing on paper, screen printing, embroidering, plastics, clothing, etc., the goal is to use the colors set forth by the district to provide a consistent image and brand for Waxahachie ISD and its high schools.
Global High
- Waxahachie Global High's official colors are Blue and Silver.
- Waxahachie Global High's mascot is the Wolf.
What is Global Blue?
Pantone Matching System (PMS) #287CWhat is Global Silver?
Pantone Matching System (PMS) #877C -
Official Name
The district's official name is Waxahachie Independent School District.
All internal and external communication, documents, flyers, and brochures should state Waxahachie Independent School District or, at minimum, Waxahachie ISD and not merely WISD. To maintain the integrity of the district's image, these guidelines have been established to provide for a uniform and professional appearance for information distributed in the name of the district. -
Waxahachie High
- Waxahachie High School's official colors are Green and White.
- Waxahachie High School's mascot is the Indian.
What is Indian Green?
Pantone Matching System (PMS) #350C